The Brief
With stringent specifications to meet for their coverage
of the 2009 FIFA Under-17 Football World Cup,
NTA Nigeria turned to WTS Group. Africa’s biggest
broadcaster, they required complete renovation and
upgrade work to their fleet of six 12-camera outside
broadcast vehicles, and to their International Broadcast
Centre (IBC) facility to give them the high definition
capabilities needed to meet FIFA’s requirements. An
uninterrupted power supply (UPS) capable of powering
the IBC was also provided.
To get NTA’s coverage on air, WTS Group installed a
nine-metre C-Band earth station at the international
stadium in Abuja, and supplied six HD portable satellite
uplink systems.

The Solution
WTS Group (Now C2S Nigeria) provided a further two 16-camera portable
flyaway kits – including engineers and operators – to
provide coverage of tournament games from two
locations to the host broadcaster.
To deliver this vast project within a tight timeframe,
WTS Group planned and coordinated the purchase
of thousands of items of equipment, and had 64
engineers working around the clock, seven days a
week to complete work on time.
WTS Group arranged training for engineers on the new
systems, and even chartered an enormous Antonov
cargo plane to transport the renovated HD OB trucks.

International Broadcast Centre
- Upgrade of existing system from SD to HD, with complete rebuild of the video and control systems, and added 5.1 Remix facilities.
- The facility is capable of switching 20 satellite and fibre external feeds and 16 internal stadium feeds, 12 VT and 8 Vectorbox transmission servers to 16 contribution circuits, and creating two main Live TX paths via Evertz QMC and Vectorbox systems
- Key equipment installed included:
• Evertz distribution equipment
and Xenon 128×128 router
with 128 output multi-viewer
• Sony and Tektronix
monitoring systems
• Avid Post Production with
Central storage from
• Ingest transmission systems
provided by means of 8x
HD Vectorbox 8000 with dual
Outside Broadcast vehicle fleet
- Upgrade of six 12-camera outside broadcast trucks from SD to HD capabilities, with complete internal refurbishment, including new monitor stacks, air conditioning and electrical and mechanical repair.
- The overall OB upgrade utilised equipment from more than 60 manufacturers. Highlights included:
• 60 x Sony HSC-300 and
12 x HDC-3300 camera
• 36 x Canon XJ Series
box lenses
• 36 x Canon HJ Series
barrel lenses
• 12 x six-channel EVS HD
replay servers
• 6 x Sony MVS-8000 2.5ME
vision mixer
• 6 x LAWO MC-56 5.1 Dolby
Surround Sound audio desks
• Evertz HD routing and
• Evertz distribution equipment
and control
Other requirements
- Installation of 9m C-Band Earth Station at the international stadium in Abuja
- Provision of six Temix HD portable satellite uplink systems
- Temporary supply of two 16-camera portable flyaway kits, including engineers and operators
- Specially chartered air freight export arrangements